TIELLE Foam Hydropolymer Adhesive Dressing with Border - Advanced Wound Care - Foam Dressing39290642530433,39290642464897,39290642497665
- Contains LiquaLock technology, which cleverly retains exudate while also letting moisture vapor pass through the dressing, helping to provide an optimal moist wound healing environment
- A highly absorbent dressing
Tielle™ Adhesive with Border Foam Dressing, 4¼ x 4¼ Inch
Tags:--FSA::FSA Approved,--stock_status:OOS,__variant-descriptions,__velocity::1.Phase Out,plus_variant_descriptions,supplier::McKesson,type_detail_1::Advanced Wound Care,type_detail_2::Foam Dressing
Color - Tan
Dimensions - 4.25 X 4.25 Inch
Packaging - 1 Each