Safe N Simple Simpurity Silver Alginate Fibergel AG Wound Dressing with Gelling Action - Advanced Wound Care - Silver Alginate Dressing39290636632193,39290636599425
- Gelling action creates an optimal environment for moist wound healing
- Dressing conforms easily to various wound shapes, supports debridement and can easily be removed in one piece with minimal damage to newly forming granulating tissues
- Use as a primary dressing, now with ionic silver particles to help fight infection
- 2 x 2 inches
Simpurity™ Fibergel AG™ Silver Alginate Dressing, 2 x 2 Inch,
- Gelling action creates an optimal environment for moist wound healing
- Dressing conforms easily to various wound shapes, supports debridement and can easily be removed in one piece with minimal damage to newly forming granulating tissues
- Use as a primary dressing, now with ionic silver particles to help fight infection
- 4 x 4¾ inches
Simpurity™ Fibergel AG™ Silver Alginate Dressing, 4 x 4¾ Inch
Tags:--stock_status:Stock,__channel::google_shopping,__variant-descriptions,__velocity::3.Slow Selling,plus_variant_descriptions,supplier::McKesson,type_detail_1::Advanced Wound Care,type_detail_2::Silver Alginate Dressing
Dimensions - 2 X 2 Inch
Packaging - Box of 10