Quat Tuberculocidal Husky 814 Q/T Tubercolocidal Spray Disinfectant - Cleaners and Disinfectants -39290364100737,39290364067969
- Truly a state of the art product, that assists you in maintaining OSHA Blood Borne Pathogen Compliance
- This ready-to-use formula provides superior cleaning, with virucidal, fungicidal and mildewstat properties
- Our detergent based cleaner contains chelating agents to break down iron, lime, and calcium deposits
- Fast acting, highly effective broad spectrum disinfectant kills HCV, HBV and HAV, is EPA registered as a Tuberculocidal cleaner
Quat Tuberculocidal Husky® Surface Disinfectant Cleaner
Tags:--stock_status:Non Stock,__variant-descriptions,__velocity::2.Nonstock,plus_variant_descriptions,supplier::McKesson,type_detail_1::Cleaners and Disinfectants
Container Type - Bottle
Scent - Lemon
Packaging - Case of 12