Precious Spells Patent Mary Janes

cuz all pretty things come wrapped in bows! Have all the witches bowing down to ya in these patent mary janes that adorable bows straps, thicc platforms N’ chunky block heels.

Tags:category:Platforms,digital,fullprice,heelheight:3" Heel,main:a60ba1a7a56c9e00252baebe89d62c12,micro:f9f16ccea5f48f29e56166a254c3ecf0,microcategory:Platform Mary Janes,parentId:140414,platformheight:1.5" Platform,regprice,sub:ed49a36c4fd547e5e2ace11bef4f21cf,trend:ST Spooky

Size - US 5,US 6,US 7,US 8,US 9,US 10,US 11