Pixie Soul Crushin' Platform Heels

got ya makin’ yer way to the top, bb! Stay lifted above the rest in these hottt holographic heels that have supa thicc platforms, platinum studded soles and chunky dual prong buckle closures.

Tags:category:Platforms,digital,fullprice,heelheight:5" Heel,main:a60ba1a7a56c9e00252baebe89d62c12,micro:a5bbb88ffc365bb3dd7c09d2478c5055,microcategory:Platform Heels,parentId:138778,platformheight:3" Platform,regprice,sub:ed49a36c4fd547e5e2ace11bef4f21cf,trend:None

Size - US 6,US 7,US 8,US 9,US 10,US 11,US 12