Midnight Hexin' My Ex Platform Heels

cuz you’re the best witch they’ll eva meet. Take ‘em for a hell of a ride in these bewitching platform heels that have a PVC material and buckle closures to have ya lookin’ epic AF.

Tags:category:Platforms,digital,fullprice,heelheight:5.75" Heel,main:a60ba1a7a56c9e00252baebe89d62c12,micro:a5bbb88ffc365bb3dd7c09d2478c5055,microcategory:Platform Heels,parentId:137376,platformheight:1.5" Platform,regprice,sub:ed49a36c4fd547e5e2ace11bef4f21cf,trend:None

Size - US 6,US 7,US 8,US 9,US 10,US 11