Health-Star Acidophillus Probiotic Dietary Supplement

Health-Star Acidophillus Probiotic Dietary Supplement - Gastrointestinal - Probiotic Dietary Supplement

  • Each dose contains 1,000,000,000 lactobacillus acidophilus CFUs (colony forming units) per serving
  • No artificial color, flavor, sweetener, preservatives, sugar, starch, milk, lactose, soy, gluten, wheat, yeast, sodium or fish
Probiotic Dietary Supplement Health Star 100 per Bottle Capsule

Health*Star Probiotic Dietary Supplement

Tags:--stock_status:Stock,__channel::google_shopping,__variant-descriptions,__velocity::5.Fast Selling,plus_variant_descriptions,supplier::McKesson,type_detail_1::Gastrointestinal,type_detail_2::Probiotic Dietary Supplement

Packaging - Bottle of 1,Case of 12