Hartmann Econolux Non-Sterile Gauze Sponges - General Wound Care - Gauze Sponge39290590298241
- 100% cotton absorbent gauze
- Cut edges are on the inside of the sponge
- 12 ply
- 2 x 2 inches
Econolux® Nonsterile Gauze sponge, 4 x 4 Inch,
- 100% cotton absorbent gauze
- Cut edges are on the inside of the sponge
- 12 ply
- 4 x 4 inches
Econolux® Nonsterile Gauze sponge, 4 x 4 Inch,
- 100% cotton absorbent gauze
- Cut edges are on the inside of the sponge
- 8 ply
- 2 x 2 inches
Econolux® Nonsterile Gauze sponge, 2 x 2 Inch
Tags:--FSA::FSA Approved,--stock_status:OOS,__variant-descriptions,__velocity::2.Nonstock,plus_variant_descriptions,supplier::McKesson,type_detail_1::General Wound Care,type_detail_2::Gauze Sponge,type_detail_3::Cotton
Ply - 12-Ply
Dimensions - 4 X 4 Inch
Packaging - Box of 200