Florajen3 High Potency Probiotic Dietary Supplement

Florajen3 High Potency Probiotic Dietary Supplement - Gastrointestinal - Probiotic Dietary Supplement

  • Beneficial to vaginal flora
  • 15 billion live cultures per capsule
  • Refrigerate for maximum freshness and effectiveness
  • Can be stored at room temperature for up to two weeks while traveling and still maintain effectiveness
Probiotic Dietary Supplement FlorajenĀ® Digestion 30 per Bottle Capsule

Florajen DigestionĀ® Probiotic Dietary Supplement

Tags:--stock_status:Stock,__variant-descriptions,__velocity::3.Slow Selling,plus_variant_descriptions,supplier::McKesson,type_detail_1::Gastrointestinal,type_detail_2::Probiotic Dietary Supplement

Packaging - Bottle of 1