Emoji Adhesive Bandages

Emoji Adhesive Bandages - General Wound Care - Adhesive Strip

  • Make sure you're equipped to handle small emergencies by keeping these adhesive strips on hand
  • The wrapper is easy to open, so you can apply the adhesive strip quickly
  • 100 per box
Adhesive Strip emoji™ 3/4 X 3 Inch Plastic Rectangle Kid Design (Emojis) Sterile

Emoji™ Adhesive Strip, ¾ x 3 Inch

Tags:--stock_status:Stock,__channel::google_shopping,__variant-descriptions,__velocity::3.Slow Selling,plus_variant_descriptions,supplier::McKesson,type_detail_1::General Wound Care,type_detail_2::Adhesive Strip

Color - Kid Design (Emojis)

Dimensions - 0.75 X 3 Inch

Packaging - Box of 100