Darker and grittier than ever before, Batman Begins (2005) introduced a new take on the Batmobile – an armored, off-road military prototype dubbed the “Tumbler”! Batman Begins returned to the origins of the Dark Knight, following Bruce Wayne as he gained his skills and built his armory – including his Batmobile, a prototype military vehicle sourced from the Applied Sciences Division of Wayne Enterprises. The “Tumbler” weighed 2.5 tons, but could accelerate from 0-60 in less than 6 seconds. This Batman Begins TV Series Model brings the Dark Knight’s trusty steed to life in immaculate detail, hand-painted at 1:43 scale! Now in collector-friendly packaging, this die-cast model comes with art card packed with the Caped Crusader’s most iconic Batmobile!
- Collectors Model
- Included items: Batmobile Model in acrylic display case, art card with information about the character
- Age: 14+
- Not intended for play by children
Tags:Batman,Batmobile,DC Comics
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