DrNatura UniFiber Fiber Supplement

DrNatura UniFiber Fiber Supplement - Gastrointestinal - Fiber Supplement

  • Doctor recommended for relief of occasional constipation
  • Unlike many other fiber supplements, UniFiber is an insoluble fiber
  • Can be taken with other medications and vitamins without altering their effectiveness
  • Can be taken without liquids
Fiber Supplement UniFiber® Unflavored Powder 8.4 oz. 80% Strength Powdered Cellulose

UniFiber® Powdered Cellulose Fiber Supplement

Tags:--stock_status:Stock,__channel::google_shopping,__variant-descriptions,__velocity::3.Slow Selling,plus_variant_descriptions,supplier::McKesson,type_detail_1::Gastrointestinal,type_detail_2::Fiber Supplement

Packaging - 1 Each