AquaGuard Glove

AquaGuard Glove - General Wound Care - Wound Protector

  • The AquaGuard glove contains no adhesive and doesn't require uncomfortable rigid straps: Instead, the easy-to-use Water-Seal Band® is used to create a waterproof seal with a simple auto-locking buckle
  • The Water-Seal Band allows the wearer to freely use their arm as they normally would and keep their site dry while they shower
  • The AquaGuard Glove is 34 inches tall and is large enough to protect most sites on the wearer’s hand or arm from becoming wet while showering
Wound Protector AquaGuard Glove® Buckle / Band

AquaGuard Glove® Wound Protector, 34 Inch


Color - Clear

Dimensions - 34 Inch

Packaging - Bag of 3