Item Details
This Stansmith shoes will be a perfect gift for Dallas Cowboys Fans
? Upper & insole: Vegan, leather free
? Sock liner: 100% recycled polyester
? Custom printed on tongue,?heel patch and both sides
? Lace-up front
Production Time:
7-10 business days. This sneaker is made-to-order so the production time will be a little bit longer than usual. Please be patient.
Shipping Time:
10-20 business days

Freight: 7.99$
Delivery time:
According to the delivery time of logistics companies in different places, the time when you receive goods is also different. We will arrange delivery about 24 hours after you pay the order, and some products will be delivered 48 hours later. After delivery, there will be a short message to inform you of relevant logistics information around 7 p.m. you can also "login user name" - > "user center" - > "my order" to view the "order details" to track the logistics distribution. Please ensure the correctness of the receiving address and the smoothness of the manual contact information, so that the delivery personnel can deliver the goods to you in time.
Receiving time:
Generally, it arrives at 10-24 days
In case of irresistible factors (such as rain, snow and fog) and special holidays, the delivery speed will be relatively slow. Please wait patiently.
Delivery time:
According to the delivery time of logistics companies in different places, the time when you receive goods is also different. We will arrange delivery about 24 hours after you pay the order, and some products will be delivered 48 hours later. After delivery, there will be a short message to inform you of relevant logistics information around 7 p.m. you can also "login user name" - > "user center" - > "my order" to view the "order details" to track the logistics distribution. Please ensure the correctness of the receiving address and the smoothness of the manual contact information, so that the delivery personnel can deliver the goods to you in time.
Receiving time:
Generally, it arrives at 10-24 days
In case of irresistible factors (such as rain, snow and fog) and special holidays, the delivery speed will be relatively slow. Please wait patiently.